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Annalesia is offline
Old 05-22-2011, 06:02 PM

Amara nodded at Kyoshi, her mind elsewhere. She was focusing on the molecules of the stone Revan had handed her. She was watching the atoms, focusing on the molecular compounds. She saw them bouncing against eachother, and based off of what Revan said she knew what they were made of. What she couldn't tell, though was what they did. She had never seen molecular levels as of this before. She had never even seen these compounds in Revan. How is it possible that something that came from the bones of his wing did not have the same composition as the rest of him? Frustration nipped at her mind. She had not spent eternity banished to this god forsaken planet, studying and running, just to come across something she could not read. Making an educated guess on what it would do, but until she had actually experience, a guess is all that it would be. That darn Revan...why couldn't he be as predictable as others?

Adonis made his way onto her shoulder, his beak nuzzling into her hair. Dropping the stone into a satchel on her waist, she slowly stood from the table, "If you will excuse me, I must prepare for the leave."

Her hazel eyes fluttered and dropped to the floor. For once in her life, she could not bear to look someone in the eyes. If she did, she feared he would know what she was up to, and try to stop her. It was better this was. It was safer for them. They may be assassins, but there was no way they could take on Jacob. He was created a far superior creature in terms of warfare. She could not put them in that position. No...this was for her to handle, and her only.

~~~~Amara alone now~~~~
Her mind was blank as she opened her boudoir. A frown pulled at the corners of her lips as she stared at the small stack of personal items. This was a price to pay for always being on the run. If Revan could have just kept to his own business, she wouldn’t have to be leaving now...No, that is not true. Amara was only looking for a scapegoat...she was well aware that a) Revan could not control what he saw and b) she would have needed to leave anyways.

"Don't forget your knife, darling" fingers slithered down the sides of her, causing a sparkling friction she did not like at all.

Stiffening, she frowned at her boudoir, "I have not forgotten, and do not need your assistance any longer. You may leave me with the task ahead. No reminders are needed."

She could fee his hot breath burning at the back of her neck as he pushed her braid over her shoulder, "I know what you are thinking, my little mink. I know your hesitation. And I will ensure that if you do not follow through, I will make it happen. Do not forget who I am, and the power that I hold."