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Shania583 is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 01:27 AM

Rosette stopped further up the stream to let her horse stop adn get a drink while she went to check on the prince and his company. She had been following him for days on his journey to deliver treasures to the next kingdom, she was waiting for the right moment so that she could take him without anyone else noticing. She slowly crept up behind trees and watched the group, she brushed her brown hair out of her face as she peered arounf a tree. Seeing the prince brushing his horse she smiled and leaned back against the tree, she could still see her horse in the distance drinking from the stream.

She stood back up and slightly lifted her red dress off the ground and walked back to her horse, looking back she could just see the prince which ment that he could just barely see her if he looked her way but those chances were small. She leaned against her horses side and patted it's neck, she hummed softly as she waited for the prince to move on or start camp for the night. She thought back to why she had started this whole thing with finding out when the prince would leave and how often he left and who with. She smiled thinking about how it would feel when she knew that the king was feeling the same why she did when he ruined her family's life.

She stood up when she saw the prince re-saddle his horse, she mounted her hourse and waited for him to start moving until she left shortly after. She traveled a short while behind him and off to one side not wanting to be directly behind him or too close. She didn't want anyone to know that she was following or the could trace her back to who she was and where she lived leaving this whole this and waste of time. She tried to kept as quiet as she could not being too worried about the odd twig snapping beneath her horse's hoves, she kept low on her horse knowing that her dress was red in colour.