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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 12:22 AM

Ikori had glared at the unicorn, wondering how such an ancient being could be so stupid. At least, Ikori thought the creature very stupid and a coward. The unicorn garnered no respect in his eyes. He watched it carefully as it approached the fae not moving from where he was as the unicorn spoke silently to the fae.

When the equine spoke to him, he growled rather viciously at it. Or, as viciously as a dog in human form could growl. However, the ceremony was more important than how he felt about the unicorn. More important than biting the creature. He moved back to give the fae some room, and dropped to one knee. Lowering his head slightly. He gave respect where respect was due, but he offered no prayers of his own to the dead. Dogs didn't believe in gods or have prayers. Silently he watched, fighting back tears that threatened to fall again. The time for crying was over, he would cry no more even as his heart continued to ache.

The ceremony over, Ikori rose, not looking to the unicorn, he moved to the fallen, no doubt exhausted fae. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her gently to her feet, he didn't wait to see if she could stand on her own. He picked her up, princess style, but being careful of her wings. He shot a rather icy glare at the unicorn and made his way to Ti. Whispering softly. "...The unicorn is mean...I don't like him." He had pouted just slightly.