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Staria is offline
Old 06-09-2011, 12:56 AM

Shaylee shivered, feeling a little faint. To bury so many was not an easy task… not when you did so while channeling all the fay ancestors anyway. She bit her lip as she felt Ikori pick her up, glancing up at him. She said nothing a moment, just flushing faintly in surprise. It had been some time since she’d been carried like this though her body was light as it was when in her smaller fairy form so he’d find it easy. She hadn’t been since before her love died… She glanced away.

The unicorn ignored the growl and again made that soft snort that seemed so much like a laugh. Ikori merely amused the creature it seemed. It looked over at the ceremony then, however, and seemed to forget all others. It simply bowed it’s head, slowly bending on it’s front legs. For a moment it seemed almost… humble, and all together another creature. There was even a soft glimmer of sorrow in those normally unreadable teal eyes as if it truly mourned the fay. The second the ceremony was over, however, the horse was standing, following close behind Ikori with it’s eyes flicking occasionally to the exhausted, heartbroken fairy.

It undoubtedly heard Ikori comment it was mean, but it said nothing. It was falling to it’s own thoughts and the battle that only the guardian had been conscious for. The unicorn’s partner in battle, nearly it’s son in life as Shaylee had once been its daughter. Still no expression was on its face, it’s thoughts as strange as always.

Shaylee looked up as he said it was mean, causing her to shake her head no. She did not understand the creature anymore then anyone else did but she knew it never did anything out of cruelty. Or at least she thought she did.. Ikori would likely disagree. She didn’t know what the Unicorn did or didn’t do in the battle, having been locked by the same psychic attack as the others that the guardian had somehow broken to scream. She did know however, that the fact the unicorn had been unable to protect the village from the evil scared the hell out of her…

It had been beautiful, Ti thought absently. She frowned, however, her mind already on the evidence she had spotted. She only glanced over as Ikori spoke and shrugged, not really caring. She had no particular feeling about the unicorn, finding it arrogant and a little irritating but not clear enough to know what it was as a soul….

"We should get going..." She suggested softly, not wanting to be here any longer. It didnt' feel safe and they'd found all the information they could fnd.. there was nothing more they could do here but put themselves in danger. She sighed and started north, seeming as good a direction as any.