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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 05:26 AM

When the woman touched his arm Fenris promptly yanked it back. It was only Scarlett's soft-spoken words that kept him from lashing out at her bitterly. Her appreciation was obvious - the apple was like heaven for the girl. The male was a bit unsure of how to react to her thanks.
Fenris was a bit uncertain. He watched her eat the fruit in silence with his eyes narrowed. Her thoughts on dying at her own hands struck him as . . . similar to his own. He'd rather die than be used for someone else's means. Once again he stayed silent. His tense posture hadn't relaxed - it rarely ever did. Fenris was standing a good foot from the bars now.

Once again her consideration unsettled Fenris. Perhaps it is just a ploy? The Blackbeard even sounded like she wanted him to get some rest. He shook his head slowly. No. She doesn't care. Convinced that this was all just a charade, the dark-skinned male frowned.

"My name is none of your concern," he said in a dark tone, suddenly drawing himself back into his irritable mask once again. Fenris incilned his head, forcing away the thoughts of leaving a poor girl stuck in a cell. He hadn't known it would be so difficult to witness the imprisonment of a woman. "I will not become familiar with you." If he did, he would start to care. Even if he told himself he wouldn't, he would be lying. It was hard for him to turn a cold shoulder to someone bound in chains.

Fenris looked back to the door, slowly turning away.
"Starvation isn't an easy way to go. I've seen it." His gaze caught on the porthole beside Scarlett for a moment. "Do yourself a favor and try to keep something in you." He left then without a second glance back to the girl.

((:XD I'm thinking of having Laiden pay a visit sooner or later. . . .))