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you are a hurricane prone area, the glass will break through often
musikfreakx is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 06:06 PM

"Yeah, a little. Actually a lot," Aysel answered and smiled. "Hi," she said simply, not minding the odd but interesting introduction. A twinge of uneasiness spread through her as the storm continued and continued to increase in fierceness. She saw college students running to buildings and dorms, trying to escape the grisly weather.

"Sure, that would be great," the redhead answered and grinned, standing on her toes for a minute. She had a bad habit of not being able to sit still, at any time. She laughed at his awkward sentence. "Hey, calm down. We'll drink until you meet up with your friend. It's fine. A friend is supposed to be meeting me too," she reassured him and laughed. The boy seemed a little awkward, but Aysel thought it was kind of c

"Yeah, you could say that," Mitchell responded to her question. "It's not my biggest hobby, but it's something fun to pass the time," he said. Suddenly, he was curious as to what her major was. "Is digital art your major or...?" The dark haired college student trailed off to let the girl finish. He vaguely watched Aysel talk to the other boy, and took note of how she was constantly grinning. He'd be sure to tease her later, as he always did.

((Sorry it's so short, I have to get off in a bit!))


((I may not be able to post for a few days. I'm going to my friend's, but at the latest I'll be back on Thursday and able to post! I can try posting while I'm at her house, but I don't know yet!))