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nimh is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 11:44 PM

Rue adjusted her glasses and listened as the boy talked about his hopes of vacationing in canada with his friends. Taking off her glasses, Rue rubbed the lenses with the hem of her shirt. Placing her glasses back on her nose Rue sympathised, "I'm sorry your trip got canceled. If you're not terribly bored of me already I'm sure we could work out something to do. I hear there's a new club downtown, just opened up, if you like dancing. Or there's a roller rink a few blocks away. Then the movie theater just changed what they're playing, I think they got some good stuff this week." Standing up Rue adjusted her shirt, it had been turned slightly side-ways in all her fidgeting. After dusting off her jeans and making sure everything was in her bag Rue turned to Robert, "Why don't we go for a walk while you think about what you'd like to do?"

Pulling a hat out of her bag Rue placed it on her head and flipped the brim up. It was one of those floppy 1920's style hats. Rue loved it. White and fluffy it went with everything. Rue waited for a minute to see if Robert would follow then walked outside. Once outside Rue lifted her face to the sun and enjoyed the subtle heat it put off. It was a perfect day today. When Rue started to see blackspots Rue lowered her head and sat on a fire-hydrant to wait for Robert. Slowly the black spots began to fade from view. Deciding it was best not to overheat herself, Rue stood up and walked over to a large old Oak tree and hopped up onto a low hanging branch. Reclining there Rue watched the other students shuffle across the campus.