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Gemini is offline
Old 07-06-2011, 03:32 AM

after netsuai left,gemini stood for a few moments where she was,fighting back tears she knew were irrational.everything she had said was true,and she knew he wouldn't have gone for it anyway.she had done some research before applying for the job,and knew that some tragedy had occurred in the past that made it difficult for him to trush or really like anyone.she knew all this logically,but for some reason the tears still came.she wiped them away and sniffled,making herself look presentable,as if she had never shed a tear.
"ok,gemini,get ahold of yourself.your aunt would be ashamed of you,tearing up over some guy...then again,your aunt has never dated and is drunk 99 percent of the time...dammit,why does nothing ever go right?" she lectured herself,then shook her head.
"it doesn't matter.i can't just give up.even if i only manage to be friends with him,i will keep trying!" she resolved,nodding to herself.she would keep trying to make netsuai like her,no matter what.with that resolution,she walked back into the main area.
"is there anything else anyone needs me to do?" she asked.