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Mandy-Lexi is offline
Old 07-06-2011, 03:49 AM

Living close to the bar was good for Alexx, really. She wasn't an alcoholic so it didn't pose any threat and it wasn't a temptation. It was in fact good because the few times Alexx did go there, it was easy and quick to get back to her place. No hitchhiking, drunk driving, or getting lost necessary. She was just glad that she was able to get home safely. She heard about a lot of bad things that happen to people while drunk. They usually ended up on the news as missing or something along those lines. She did not want to be one of those people.

Alexx rolled her eyes in a joking matter at Riley's comment. She smiled at Akiye's. "I guess you will. Ready for '70s punk rock style?" Alexx joked and laughed with Akiye. "And thanks. I'll need the Advil later." She liked experimenting with makeup. She never knew what someone was going to want. It really depended on the occasion. For a wedding, you wouldn't want to look like a flapper straight out of the '20s -unless of course, that was the theme of the wedding. Other clients and orders have been for parties. Alexx liked doing the makeup for themed parties. It gave her the chance to try new techniques and styles of makeup application.

((Last post for the next two-ish days :( Bye for now thennn!))

Last edited by Mandy-Lexi; 07-06-2011 at 03:52 AM..