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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-07-2011, 07:56 AM

Ikori nodded slightly when Ti approached him and Asher and told them what she thought. It was a good idea, she had a good point. Ikori was a dog, what could he do but scratch and bite? "...Alright, then.." It was settled then. The decision mostly made for him, that didn't matter. He would have given in anyway, most likely. He followed Asher's gaze with a slight frown.

"It'll be dark soon...." He bit his bottom lip, his brow furrowed. Deer came out in the evening and dark alot. So did other small creatures that were edible. A deer would be so delicious, but he knew he couldn't bring one down himself. Not a fullgrown one anyway. That and he hadn't smelled any, he hadn't smelled many animals, then again, the wind could have just been wrong for it. "...There's a high chance that our hunting will be unsuccessful.." His normal slightly sad tone, sounded just a little sadder. He rolled his shoulders gently, ready to change and run.