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It's 11PM, do you know where your pants are?
Hresvelgr is offline
Old 07-09-2011, 05:06 PM

Akiye let out a good laugh as Netsuai joined in the banter between friends. Something he had not done in quite some time. Riley simply held his hand up in a talk to the hand sort of motion. He even went so far as to turn his head away as he pretended to feel insulted by Netsuai. All in all, Riley ended up laughing also. "At least I know I make a much prettier woman then Netsuai. I think I know my Halloween costume. I see it now. Blue hair, big boob-" He then noticed Gem standing in the room, and therefore changed the word, "heels, glitter. Yes perfect!" Riley went on saying. He was kidding of coarse, but some part of his mind told him someone would remember and make him do it. Probably make him pass out candy too.

Akiye was slightly worried about Gemini and Alexx. After all, Gemini had gotten angry when Riley forgot her name earlier in the day. So Alexx's sarcastic nature could have easily been taken the wrong way. Should have proved interesting non the less. She went about moving things around on her desk. Just to be sure the client's papers were front and center. So no one would miss them. That was if the woman even showed up.

"I smell food!" Riley declared, moving towards the kitchen where Ouka and Kouken were. "Wha cha makin! Wha cha makin!" Riley chanted a couple of times before laughing at himself. He knew he was in an annoying mood, but truth be told.. he was bored. Even half expecting something to be thrown at him.

At the mention of food, Akiye had a decision.. food or sleep. Food.. or sleep. So hard to choose! Suddenly her phone started to ring. Which with her eyes closed Akiye answered. It may have been rude to answer her personal phone in the same room as others, but it was not like she was being loud.

"Hello?.. Ah Mushi mushi Akane." Akiye said to her sister in Japanese. She was silent as she listened to her sister on the other line. Leaning on the hand with her phone with her eyes closed. "No sister, watashi wa kyō wa dekimasen. Watashi wa, osoraku nete, hataraite imasu.(In case anyone else in the room can speak Japanese- no sister, I can't today. I am working, then probably sleeping. )" Akiye seemed to jump slightly. Probably because he sister was yelling on the other side. Angry for whatever reason. Akiye sighed standing up to move out of the room. "Excuse me everyone." She was very calm as she spoke. Mainly because Akiye was not one to get angry easily. Akiye stepped out into the hallway and moved upstairs into one of the guest rooms the brothers had upstairs.

"Akane, I am not supporting you. I have nothing I can give to you this month."
Akiye reminded her sister. "I know you had a fight with mom and dad, but call them. We are very busy today." Akiye said. Yes, it was a lie, but she was still working. She took a seat on the bed behind her while he sister proceeded to insult her. Something that honestly did not bother Akiye. "Yes, yes I know. I'm a horrible person. I'll talk to you later. Bye bye." Akiye said, hanging up the phone. She adjusted herself on the bed so she could lay down properly. Bringing her legs up. Or at least trying to get comfortable. The joints in her legs were sore, which only proved to make Akiye feel old. Within a couple of minutes, she fell asleep.