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oh comme je souhaite pour nos lèvres d'entrer en collision lorsque la lune se lève.
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 07-16-2011, 05:10 AM

school isnt what is used to be . . .

to Anarbor High

High School isn't exactly the way our parents remember it. Sure, there are still cliques like The Populars, The Jocks, The Nerds, and so on; but teens are much more violent then they used to be. At This school there is a big "territory" and "rivalry" problem. Cliques clash, both phycially and through word of mouth. And this high school is know for its violent outbreaks.

Yet, a new year is starting here at Anarbor High...

Are you a new student?
if so, are you going to join a clique? or try and end these pointless feuds?

Are you a returning student?
if so, are you going to declare war? invade territory? or try and fight for peace?

Are you a teacher?
if so, are you going to get involed? or leave the student to handel it themselves?

Its a New Year, and a New Start.

choose your path . . .

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>> inspired by Raccoon_Chronus: <<

Last edited by JessehBoo; 07-17-2011 at 10:40 PM..