Thread: Cloaked and Pet
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KillersPet is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 07:25 PM

Light's phone rang and he grabbed it checking the caller ID. Misa name read across the front of his phone and he let it go to voice mail. His phone buzzed again telling him she left a message and he listened to it. She said she was lost in town and didn't know where to go. She read off the street signs she could see and said she was in a small store. she wanted him to come and walk her home. Light sighed and got up. "Your really going to go?" Ryuk asked. "I may not like her but I'm not going to leave her out there alone. It's late and there are sick people out there." Light said grabbing his jacket. "She has a Death Note, and Rem. If she were in any real trouble Rem would protect her. She'd die in return but Rem's dumb like that." Ryuk said and laughed. Light shook his head and went down stairs told his mom what he was doing and walked off to find Misa.

When he found the store she said she was at he saw no sign of her. 'I swear if she lied to me just because I didn't let her in I'm going to make sure she never comes near me again.' he thought. H e was thinking more along the lines of restraining order then killing her. Of coarse if he killed her Rem would kill him. He puled out his phone and tried calling Misa but she didn't pick up. "Misa, it's Light. I'm were you said you were now stop hiding so we can get you back to your hotel." he said to the voice mail receiver. Light shook his head and walked into the store. He might as well buy a snack while waiting for her. "Maybe she took off cause she got tired of waiting." Ryuk said and laughed.