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oh comme je souhaite pour nos lèvres d'entrer en collision lorsque la lune se lève.
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 08:52 PM

Aiden chuckled as he saw how short she was compared to the rings. "Yeah, no problem Scar." Kneeling down he put his hands together and waited for her to put her foot on them. Once she did he lifted his arms high enough so she could reach the rings with ease. After she had secured herself on the rings he walked over to his motorcycle that was rigged with holders for his juggling pins and knives. Aiden put the key in the ignition and the bike roared to life, it was attached to a contraption that while he rode in a circle, Scar's rig would be moving as well. (see link in his profile for a video of the act) "You ready?!" He yelled up to her, waiting for her to give him the go ahead.