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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-21-2011, 12:53 AM

((I didn't know if you were talking to me or not. It could have been either Cire, or Serenade the way you wrote it. Anyway, sorry and thanks for fixing it!))

"It's nice to meet you." After that she couldn't help but laugh. Sometimes no one noticed how careful she could be. It was taken for granted in some places, while in others it brought up suspicion. In either case, Serenade was regarded strangely for knowing so much. "Sorry about that. Growing up with the fae around, I had to learn how to act around them. Most company though, other then those I grew up with, don't exactly take well to a human knowing so much." This reaction of Rhyten's was refreshingly good. Smiling now, the young woman shook her head a little. It seemed that her carefully chosen clothing might not be useful. She felt a little silly for packign the traditional fairy clothing just in case.

After a few moment's thought, Casimir sighed. This internal debate of what to do was getting annoying. That elf was a tempting target, but it was still far too soon. Moving carefully, he began to try and maneuver himself to where another tent stood. It was much closer to the shape shifters Casimir had first spotted.