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oh comme je souhaite pour nos lèvres d'entrer en collision lorsque la lune se lève.
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JessehBoo is offline
Old 07-21-2011, 05:19 AM

Flushing at the kiss on his arm Aiden allowed the girl to lead her into the mess tent. "Its no problem..really.." He insisted and smiled as she massaged him. It hurt more at first and then the pain was slowly subsiding a bit. He knew that since they had met they clicked and most people in the circus thought they were an item, as much as Aiden liked Scarlett there was always something he knew was holding her back. He dare not push her for he cared for her too much, so a good friend is what he would stay. "Just eggs, Love." He said with a smile and kept the ice on his elbow, the cool sensation helping quite a bit.

Turning to Zalia he chuckled. "Just a little accident during practice, nothing major." He said with a smile, hoping to calm the woman.