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Ana_M is offline
Old 07-22-2011, 12:54 PM

When she saw the cat, she got down on her knees and cooed at it. "How are you Mr. Kitty?" she asked him picking him up and petting him, her fluffball saw this and immediately got jealous, so as "payback" he went up to Demitri and meowed. "Pet me, pet mee. Love mee, make her jealouus," he insisted. He jumped up onto Demitiri's lap and rubbed his head on his chest, purring. She set down Flash and sat on the seat again, just then Nichole made a noise and spat out her jelly bean.

"Ugh! That tasted like... like... I don't even know!" she complained. Ana came to the same realization as her and couldn't help but giggle.

"That is why I rarely eat those!" she smiled, she was having fun today. "I can't believe it's my last year here," she commented. Sighing she poked her cat who was still loving on Demetri as revenge, Alphabet looked at her then stuck his fluffy tail up and ignored her. She laughed at him. She soon finished off a second pastry.

Last edited by Ana_M; 08-11-2011 at 02:26 AM..