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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 10:08 PM


The demon: PapillonCameo
Name: Echo Courtland
Age: Appears to be 17-19 but is much older then that. She prefers to let people guess her true age.
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Likes: Solitude, fencing, roses and disguising herself
Dislikes: Crowds, candy, and the city
Theme Song: ‪Cowboy Casanova lyrics‬‏ - YouTube

Echo walked around in her faded blue jeans and red tank top, quite glad to have disguised her demonic traits so successfully. She now had chocolate brown eyes and her black locks were yet the same. No one would think to look for her here, not when she'd let them all believe she was looking for someone in a city.

The thought made her scoff. In reality, there was a rumor flying around which intrigued her. That was how the demon found herself walking to stand in front of a well, with her hands in her pockets. A tilt of her head and a quizzical expression wee all that crossed her face. Shrugging, Echo plucked a dollar from her pocket and threw it into the well, not deigning to leave anythign on the table. "I wish to see who grants the wishes." It was worth a try. After a moment's thought and reading the sign, she put a piece of caramel on the table. A cousin had forced it on her even though she knew how much Echo hated the things.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 07-29-2011 at 02:21 AM..