Thread: Supernatural
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voenne is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 10:35 PM

Oh, I totally agree with you about the opening song thing. I could see that happening. I feel bad for Cas, because I don't feel he's trying to screw them over intentionally, but he's kind of messed up in the head now. I love Cas so much, regardless. I hope he doesn't turn into an evil douchebag god and they have to kill him.

You know what? I really, really hated Sam during the time he was addicted to demon blood, then possessed, then soulless. But after he was himself again, and that wall was taken down, I fell in love with him again so hard. As mad as I was at Cas for that, I loved the way they played it out. <3

And I know what you mean about Comic Con. I'm desperate to go before the series is over, and they stop making an appearance. I could probably afford to go, but I've never bought tickets soon enough or had someone to go with me. :(

But on subject of the anime series -- I can't wait! I'm probably going to preorder soon. But honestly, I'd rather watch it in Japanese with Gackt's voice in it, then have to listen to most of the episodes without Jensen's voice. It's going to be strange, since they did say that he only provided the voice over for a few episodes...

Last edited by voenne; 07-24-2011 at 10:45 PM..