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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-25-2011, 04:37 PM

Unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

After a little while, Echo stood up to stretch despite the presence of the girls. This ghost really was strong and his energy smelled so very appetizing! Oh what a pleasure this would be, tricking someone so good and then ending them. After the little ones left, she turned to Noah with the sweetest smile she could muster. It nearly made Echo gag. "How you like sweet things. Well, I don't really like candy at all. It makes me sick." Echo then bit her lower lip to pretend she was nervous while fiddling around with another piece of candy in her pocket.

Placing the strawberry flavored thing on the table and throwing in another coin she smiled. "I wish you'd help me get out of a troublesome situation." His energy would help her become strong enough to defeat her brother's people. O how dear Coda would love to get his hands on such a prize! His little sister would get him first, then she would defeat her brother to rule their clan!