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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:44 AM

][dundun Kya! sexy German to the rescue!

Limbo is a place between this world and the afterlife. Not heaven or hell just a neutral place. Some also call it purgetory. Limbo is also used to refer to someone or something as being stuck in a spot. Kya's chara was stuck caouse the person she was interacting with has stopped posting. and LMAO Kya. I'm not sure his name is Wonderbra, but that's hellafunny. <3][

Alistair had turned down a corner, slipping down an alleyway. For a moment all he saw was the glare from a flaming torch. Then his eyes adjusted quickly and he saw the female holding the torch. He wrinkled his nose slightly. No, she wouldn't do as his meal. He moved to turn from her, and hesitated. She had a torch, and vampires seemed to be coming after her. Perhaps that was why she had the torch. For protection? Alistair cleared his throat softly and said something in German to his human companion.

Kasimir had been just chatting away about absolutely nothing when Alistair turned down a corner and stopped halfway down the alleyway. He blinked in the bright glare from the torch and nodded slightly when Alistair spoke to him. As silent as a human possibly could, Kasimir slipped up right beside the female. "Hello, beautiful." He grinned at her and reached to take the torch. "I know a place where you will be safe...Let's put that torch out, and you follow me?" He was whispering softly to her in that slight German accent of his.

Last edited by Kry; 08-02-2011 at 02:46 AM..