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The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 11:51 PM

Name: Krystal Engel
Age: 23
Personality: Blunt/straight to the point with everything. Krystal is what many would call a people watcher, she can watch a person for a bit and can analyze what they will do and how they would respond to things. Although she rarely talks to anyone, when she does she is rather honest with everything she says.
Bio: Krystal's parents came over from Germany when she was three years old, her parents became citizens as well as herself. Her father was a spy for the American government, putting her family at risk. Her father taught her how to become the perfect assassin and even enlisted her in a private academy where she could learn on more advanced levels than most children. When she turned nineteen her mother was killed by a Russian spy looking for her father... Her father has disappeared since but always leave little notes or messages for her from time to time.
Appearance: (This is pretty much how she looks.... I don't have a picture of her yet though.)