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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Haha, well, while those are loud flowery shorts, Yan is a boy, so... :lol:


Local library? IT centre? Friends and Family? You should be able to find a means to print him off somehow :yes:

Uhm. The library charges, plus you have to have a library card to access their computers and the closest thing to an IT centre here is office max and they only do copies. Which they also charge for. Friends; well they all have laptops and no printers. Family; erh...yea...not on good terms with those crazies and half them don't even have computers. Plus all my family except my brother live way out of town.

>.< I'm not making excuses it's the truth.