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Lilim is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 02:59 PM

Dear Luscious Diary,
Aug 6, 2011

Yan and I slept in this morning, since mommy doesn't have to work. I told yan it was time to wake up and get dressed. So he quickly grabbed my bra and panties since all mommy has are girl clothes we need to go shopping. Lucky for us its tax free weekend ♥ Though I think he enjoys mommy's clothes.... *Kisses Yan's belly*

12:00pm ish.
Mommy had Yan sit in the bathroom as she took a shower... It seem safer then letting him be alone in the house by himself. I asked Yan to hand me my towel... He wouldn't give it to me. To make a long story short there was a bit of whining and embarrassment going on but have no fear, my boy Yan was not whining nor embarrassed by his mommy's nakieness.

That lady in the background gave Yan an evil look while he was spinning in his chair >.> I should of slapped her for looking at my son like that!

12:40ish or 1ish pm
Yan and I went out with Nana today. She was putting gas in the car while Yan (or as Nana calls him Yanny) where sharing a king size almond joy. I didn't know they made king size almond joys so we had to get one ^^

1:30 pm
Nana took Yanny and I to the lake! It was alot of fun even though it was kinda rainny... *huggles her baby close to her chest to keep him dry* Yan was the happiest paper boy ever close to his mommy's chest. We did get to play with the duckies by the water ^^ One of the duckies even tried to give Yan a kiss but he started screaming and scared the duckie away

5:25 pm
Nana took us to Apple Bee's... Yan thought he went to haven cause we sat at the bar and the chairs spin, so he kept himself very busy while we waited for our food. Once our food came Yan at half of my chicken wrap and then tackled Nana's BBQ mini sandwich thingys. I'm not even sure what she order cause he ate it so quickly. As you can see in this span shot I took of him he got a little BBQ on his chest hehe...

That lady in the background gave Yan an evil look while he was spinning in the chair >.> I should of slapped her silly for looking at my son that way.

11:20 pm

Well thats it for today.... After Dinner Yan was pretty tired and kinda napped for the rest of the day... I think he might of ate to much ;) Good night Luscious Diary

Last edited by Lilim; 08-07-2011 at 04:14 AM..