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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 08:57 PM

Watery Star - There's no cut off. :)

Lydia1020 - If you do and you use the same method, please credit me and link to this thread as the original. :)

Rollin' time! The next part of the story will be posted momentarily.

Liztress is 1, Acobjum is 2, lydia1020 is 3, Howdy is 4, NeuzaKC is 5, Carzeebear is 6, Watery Star is 7, and jessieomer is 8.

The 8-sided dice lands on 5

EDIT: I had to edit this post because I messed up in the story and need to fix that, but editing it will change what the dice roll was, I think. The dice landed on 1.


Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
Making sure you buy some ear plugs first, you make your way to Jeryck.
How handy that this little fair also has an earplug booth! They thought of everything. Why, it's almost as if booths are appearing specifically because you need them! But that can't be right because that would be silly.

Jeryck's small booth has a large apothecary jar set out, full of beautiful pearls and gems. You certainly picked the right man to go to, he's bound to know something about this! You stand in line as the Menewshans in front of you turn the jar, examining it from every angle. Some tap their fingers on the glass as they attempt to count each treasure inside before jotting their guess down on the clipboard next to the jar. Others barely even look at the jar before scribbling a number and toddling off. Eventually you make it to the front of the line.

"Well, hello there!" Jeryck greets you warmly.

"Hi, I've got a q-" you begin before being cut off.

"Haven't you already made a guess? Why yes, I'm sure you were just here earlier! What was that guess of yours? 104, was it? You want to change that, I assume? Here, I've got the clipboard for that somewhere. Where did that go..." Jeryck rummages behind his table as you stand there with your mouth still open. You're not entirely sure that you've ever said a complete sentence to Jeryck.

"I know I just had it!" Jeryck grumbles. Looking to the back of the booth, you notice his granddaughter Cessy drawing on a clipboard with some crayons.

"Is that it?" you ask, motioning towards Cecilia before catching yourself and remembering that's not why you're here. "Wait, that's not why I'm here," you say, completely redundant of your inner narrative.

"Oh, yes, then what can I help you with?"

You reach into your pocket for your precious shiny thing but... it's not there! You frantically begin checking all your pockets, only to come up with a rubber band, a pair of earplugs, and a wad of lint. You paw your chest, thinking you might have put the necklace on, but no dice. It's not in your bag of kettle corn either.

"I- it's gone!" you say.

"Oh dear, have you lost something?" Jeryck asks.

"MY SHINY!" you say, on the verge of tears. You quickly retrace your steps, staring at the ground, hoping you might have dropped it. After pacing up and down the boardwalk at least four times (and having to buy a new bag of kettlecorn to fuel your anguished search), it becomes clear it's not anywhere to be found. You ask a few booth owners if anyone has found it and turned it in with no luck. You can now come to only one conclusion: someone must have stolen it. You look around, hoping you might spot the culprit, but there seem to be a number of suspicious people lingering about...
  • Cecilia, Jeryck's granddaughter. She likely took Jeryck's clipboard, and little girls do love pretty jewelry. She probably meant no harm by it, she's a sweet girl, but that doesn't mean she didn't do it...
  • Peeblo, trouble maker extraordinaire. He could have stolen it for fun, profit, or both!
  • Lise is certainly mysterious. You've heard that those bear heads she gives out are toys she stole from the Toymaker and destroyed, so theft might not be beyond her...
  • Yumeh is certainly mischievous for a kitty. The glint might have caught his eye and he could have snatched right from your pocket. That crown he wears certainly suggests he has an eye for bling...
  • Vicky may seem sweet, but there was that time she went crazy a few years ago... Or was that some kind of possession thing? You don't remember, but you do know she loves beautiful jewelry. And no one can be that nice, right?
  • Lapis, the owner of Jewel's Dream. Might she have snatched the shiny to sell in her own store?
  • Cherry Flavored Antacid is still sitting off to one side eating an ice cream cone. There's a glint in her eyes. Is it a glint of thievery or of ice cream love?

Will you confront one of these people? If so, who?

What will you do?

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 08-06-2011 at 09:28 PM..