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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. Only the strong survive."
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 10:51 PM

Scarlett ran along with everyone, her hand still linked with Alex's. When Winter opened the girl Scarlett released Alex's hand to run behind the group and puke to the side. After she was done the girl ran back to Alex with her gun in hand. There was about three zombies eating at the remains of what had been Justin. "This is our fault!" She cried, shooting at one of the zombies heads and watching it fall to the floor. This made the other two run in their direction. But all the girl could think about was thanks to her hormones Justin had been left alone.

The dark haired girl shot at the other two zombies but to her avail her hand was shaking too much. When she was out of bullets she bit her lip, backing away from the two zombies that were running to the group. She saw Declan shoot one down but the other was so close to Alex that she grabbed his arm and pulled him back with her. There was no way she was going to lose Alex, she wouldn't let that happen. Ever.

Declan followed after the couple and his girlfriend, feeling the urge to puke at the scene. But he held it back. He frowned when Scarlett vomitted and patted her shoulder, shooting one of the crazed zombies down. He was about to yell at Alex to run but Scarlett pulled him back. He couldn't get a steady aim on the last one, so he was hoping either Alex or Winter would get it.