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Whimsical Sadist
The Whimsical Sadist of Invincible Awesome Whimsical-Strippah Team
Whimsical Sadist is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 02:45 PM

August 7

After an entire night of craziness and excitement Yanie realized mommy was hungover from all the sugar intake she had the night before. In a zombie state Yanie helped with breakfast as well as ate until we both were full and sober.

Upset to hear that he missed my home made marbel cake for the party, Yanie started to carve cake. So for lunch I got him a nice plate of the left over cake.

Exploring my room Yanie noticed my colorful collage that had all the important things in my life. Hearing this Yanie made sure that he would be part of my life. So he found tape and sticked it all over himseld and lied on my wall.

After hours and hours of calm relaxation Yanie meet up with Ferrari. Together they both talked and discuss their plans for tomorrow. Yanie, tired out of his mind, decided Ferrari as another friend and made his way on his lap.

Tonight was basically spent on the recover of all the craziness that happened on Saturday night. Yanie and I were pretty much relaxed as we spent time inside resting.