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WherededIGo is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 02:17 PM

If only Cameron had a picture taker. The image would have been gold. The perfect black mail tool to use against Seoras. Cameron tried to focus her mind on the task at hand; catching Berty. At the moment the parrot was snacking on the remainder of the biscuits. The perfect oppurtunity. Cameron had learn't from previous experience that using bear hands wasn't enough to catch the trickster. She fished out the net she kept hidden in her knee-high boots, the perfect tool for catching the parrot. She snuck behind him, and with all her force swung the net. The bird seemed to sense that she was coming and dodge out of the way, biscuit in beak. The net went crash into the table, leaving a crack. The bird took flight dn went through the open door, Cameron followed closely after it. She hurried down the steps, when the bird turned into Feelixa's room. "Darn" Cameron didn't feel like going in there.