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CADFND is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 02:22 AM

Ah, summer. It's many a kid's favorite season due to the sole fact of it being the few months that they get off from school. We do all kinds of things in the summer. I remember it was summer when I first joined up with Menewsha! ^^ But anyway, to all of you Menewshans out there, do you have a favorite summer memory? Or do you have multiple? And on that note, are any of those memories from this summer?

My favorite's from this summer. ^^ I went to a wedding just a short time ago, and it was the most fun I've ever had in a while. It was so fun and uplifting. And I hadn't danced like no one was watching in a while, and I did. Danced in the rain, even. ^^ My second is probably watching local fireworks with my family. Being able to lean back and look up at the fireworks is really, really cool. Both happened this summer, actually. It's been a really good summer on my end.

What about you guys?