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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. Only the strong survive."
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 02:42 AM

Scarlett giggled when he surprised kissed her. "Really? I'm not that gorgeous.." She said, kissing him back. Her hands ran through his dark curls until she opened her eyes, still on top of him. She was still sitting in his lap, even though he was sitting up. She gently trailed her hand across the chiseled features on his chest. "Your lucky your sexy.." She said, giving him a soft kiss on the chest. "Of course i'd like you even if you weren't, though it just adds on to how much i'm attracted to you." She said, fluttering her eye lashes.

The dark haired girl let her wavy hair fall over her shoulders as she leaned over to give his chest another kiss. She had forced herself to let go of last nights horrific images. They hadn't even known Justin that long, so she wasn't going to make herself be scarred from it. She knew that she had a good life with Alex and the gang. Even though there was a zombie apocalypse, it was good.

Declan slept soundly until he felt Winter creep out of his arms. He let one eye open lazily to watch her gather the pillows. When she threw them all on him he let out a small chuckle, bot his eyes opening.

As she started to jump on the bed he grabbed her and pulled her down so that he could easily get on top of her. He trailed a few kisses down her neck and then to the V of her shirt. "Morning Beautiful." He grinned, flipping his hair out of his eyes.