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Iv got two twin sisters a dad with to many problems and work and I still RP im a god
dylan736 is offline
Old 08-20-2011, 12:05 AM

Name:dylan736 RPG name:luke (no last name ) age 16 gender:male race:vamp bio: Luke come's frum a long line of pure blood vampire worriers he had 6 brothers and he was the youngest of them all so he would have to work very hard he trains with a broad sword past down through his family he came to this school bye force in a small town in Canada a group of humans killed his family in there sleep but before they got to Luke a family member that went to this school saved him and took him here to learn that not all human's are evil likes:sword fighting and reading (you may see him with a book art of war ) freands. dislikes: humans pacifists and vampire hunter's powers: Luke will some times consume him self in rage giving him strength of a god but only people who he cares about can snap him self out of it
