Thread: Rust
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lydia1020 is offline
Old 08-21-2011, 10:27 PM

((btw, if you want to know what my character looks like, look at my avatar))
Lydia walked through the empty landscape, the little bit of grass left on these once-green hills was now a dead shade of brown. She heard a small sound and took her bow in hand and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. She took a step towards where the sound had come from, and she heard it again. She took one more step, and when she did she saw a half-dead bush, moving slightly, so there had to be something in it, she figured. She picked up a rock and threw it into the bush, and a jack rabbit came out. Lydia held her bow, readied an arrow, aimed, and fired, hitting and killing the jack rabbit. She grabbed the corpse and pulled out her knife and a thing of matches she'd gotten from a half-burned out gas station. She skinned the rabbit, grabbed the bush it had been hiding in, stripped the bush of its leaves and lit it on fire, cooking the rabbit over it. Food was short here, and so she'd have to enjoy it while she could. She might not get to eat again for a long time.