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The Boy Full Of Dark Secrets Is Afraid To Die
DarkSecret2 is offline
Old 08-28-2011, 12:41 AM


Username: DarkSecret2
Name: Ennarcia (Enna) Dysler
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Creator: 1
Race: Robot
Likes: Fun things, Sweets, Fighting, Happy Things/People, Dove, People she holds close, Playing
Dislikes: The Evil Company, Sad People, Boring Things/People, sitting still, Spicy Food, Bitter Food, Being Alone
Class: Acrobat
Weapon: Chakrams
Bio: Ennarcia was created by a boy named Etward Dysler. He gave her super strength and plenty of energy and he finds her annoying sometimes. They call each other brother and sister all though their true relationship is creator and machine. She is the one who thought about starting Dove and is the leader of the creators.
Extra: She has a human brother name Etward but he is to young to play Dove.


Username: Koda Phantomhive
Name: Terumi Nakumara [DM574]
Age: 4 years, though appears to be 19
Gender: Female
Creator: 2
Race: Maid Droid [Robot]
Likes: Video Games, Dove, Sweets, School, Fighting, Being a Tease / Flirt
Dislikes: Girly Girls, Sissies, Guys that are too easy, Losing
Class: Rogue
Weapon: Duel Daggers and a Longbow
Bio: Terumi was invented by Haru Nakumara when he was 14. She was originally simply designed to help around the house while he was at school and make things easier for him and his mom. As he got older he programmed her to interact on a more personal level. She had her own personality and even attended school with him. She's well aware of the longing Haru has for her and enjoys stringing him along, a personality trait she developed when interacting with humans. Haru heard about the idea for Dove and fell in love with it, however not having the time for it he programmed and enlisted Terumi to help.
Extra: Terumi enjoys eating onigiri and yakitori despite being a robot.

Username: DarkSecret2
Name: Yun Mana
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Creator: 4
Race: Human
Likes: Fire, Money, Dove, Small Children, Spicy Food
Dislikes: The Company, Idiots, Annoying People, Crual People
Class: Death Mana
Weapon: Fire Fists/Claws, a fire ring and a fire rod.
Bio: He keeps to himself.
Extra: Yun is in charge of keeping the players safe and keeping the program normal.

Last edited by DarkSecret2; 09-01-2011 at 09:07 PM..