Thread: Lethal Parade
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 08-28-2011, 05:17 AM

Slowly turning his gaze away from Aura, Vos blinked to focus on the mechanical critter that stared at them with beady eyes. "Yes . . ." he trailed off, suddenly releasing the woman's arm. "And it will bite you." Blunt, but it was the truth. The pale mechanic frowned, stepping away from Aura in order to extend his arm toward the squirrel. It leaped in the air knowingly and scampered up to settle on his shoulder.
Now that they were a few feet apart, Vos had regained his sense of irritation. "Very obedient. Hates strangers." His gray eyes lit up as an idea came to him, but he didn't say anything else. Instead, he shook his head and sighed. "You'll find out about my project when everyone else does, Aura." The tall mechanic almost looked tired. "Please, just leave."

((:ninja: I'm voting for her coming back after the show to try and steal a peek at the plans. :yes: That would make things interesting.
That . . . and I'm feeling sorry for everyone else in the rp. I want to include them! ON TO THE SHOW!! :lol:))