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Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-01-2011, 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by Damia Flagg View Post
Hello Hummy!

It's been a bad few weeks for our pets. Last week my husband & our house cat had an accident. I'm not sure who got hurt worse, hubby twisted his back & the cat ended up losing one of his upper canine teeth.

We had a stray who had some kittens & I had gotten rather attached to them. She had 2 black kittens (Andre & Fezzik), 1 grey one with strips (Inigo - changed his name to Samhain), & 1 mixed up kitty (Vizzini). Every few years I name a bunch of the strays with names from the movie the Princess Bride.
Inigo got changed to Samhain because he looks so much like a stray we had many years ago who showed up on Halloween night.
Vizzini is cute, but he reminds me of a Mogwai (Gizmo from Gremlins), he is all ears & has a lot of hair coming out of his ears.
Fezzik went missing about a month ago.
Then yesterday when I was leaving for work my hubby found Andre dead, someone had ran over him. T_T
I always seem to get really attached to the black cats. Losing Andre really depressed me, he was my favorite.

We end up with a lot of strays because we have some bad neighbors who leave their pets when they move. We end up with the cats & another neighbor ends up with the dogs. There are many rental properties there & when they move or get evicted they don't bother to take their pets. I can't believe people can act like that.

yuki is my first black cat and i can't believe how sweet she is.
i get really attached as well and just cannot see why people throw pets away.
do they not realize there are no kill animal shelters?
how hard is it to drop them off instead of deserting them?
i'm so sorry about Andre.
please read the poem 'rainbow bridge' sweetie.
but first get a box of kleenex because you will need them.
i think the way a person treats an animal is a good indication of how they treat others.
i know you are a really sweet person without knowing about how caring you are toward abandoned animals.
karma baby, it does come around!