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aimanderz is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 12:32 AM

Amelia sighed at the mans words "OH I HATE THAT THING!" she complained loudly her words bouncing back at her "it tore one of my packs once, I had just traded this orange fire ring I got off one of the creatures in the forest to an element mage for some really cool stuff and I lost all of it" she had her fingers crossed they didn't come across it, she wasn't ready to lose another set of stuff it took her to long to fish up her stuff and buy or trade back what she could't find. As she stepped down the long dark cave she hung up some more of the glowing green stuff in the little jars along the way, her steps did echo quite a bit but that probably wasn't going to bother anybody, it was actually a good thing because players could tell the general direction of party members if they got lost. "So eyes peeled for creepy crawlies right?" she kept her eyes on the stream of water that ran down the middle of the cave, if anything worth cutting swam by she would see it before it saw her.