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Angels dont come better than those from the darkness They know both sides
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Daeman35 is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 04:19 AM


Serenity jumped at the thought of school being finally over. She ran out of the classroom with everyone else. All she had to do was run all the way home now which wasnt a totally bad feat. The only problem with running home is that there were tons of people around, walking into shops or selling drugs on the street, you name it. Unfortunately, with all the kids on the bus making fun of her, this was the only choice she had. She was an outcast at the school. Only few people liked her and even then, they were only showing pity on her. With quick feet, she started her race home so that she could get on her new game system, DOVE. It was a virtual reality world where she could be whoever she wanted to be. Everyone played it and no one knew who the other characters were in real life.

Her race home was long and treacherous as she got jumped by a bunch of guys in a shortcut alley. They had just come out of the bar that was there, so they had plenty to drink before hand. All her martial arts training her father had insisted had now come into use. The only problem was the tunnel vision she was having and the tensing of her muscles, making it so that she didnt want to move. Once the first blow came to her, she quickly stopped it as if her body was doing the work for her and pushed it into his buddy. the men were astonished and tried again, but police came just in time. She was just glad that they didnt make her wait long to get going after the incident. Actually, they even gave her a ride home. It was turning out to be a very unusual day.

Once home, she said thank you to the policemen and offered them snacks to be polite which she was happy to say, they didnt accept. Quickly, she dropped her bag, homework completely finished because she did it in class, and stepped into the machine.


When she stepped in, her character came to life as a girl in an ever changing dress to the colors of the element she was feeling at that moment. It wasnt long before she started her trek towards town. The fire seeped through her hair and the water she was carrying gave her energy as she walked. She was happy to see the world was still a wonderful place. Her kusarigama hung around her waist, both blades facing downwards so she didnt cut herself. It was a dual wielding one with scythes on both sides of the chain. Her new momo sat on her shoulder as she walked towards the town. "I wonder what we will find here. What do ya say Tylic?" The momo nodded its head in delight.

Just before they hit town, a large monster appeared in front of her. She stopped and sized it up. It started to attack her which she dodged as skillfully as air. She was getting a feel for his movements when he did something unexpected that took her down. He put his leg out and forced her to land on it. She had to roll to dodge the next attack. With the roll, she released her weapon. Momo tried to get at the monsters eyes to distract him. She started her little fighting style dance which forced fire at the monster as well as the other elements, while striking him with her weapon. He took the pain inflicted and tried to inflict it ten fold. Her health bar was getting low as she made a ring of lightning and sent it off towards him. the flying ring, hit the monster in the face and exploded, forcing the monster to go down. She jumped on its back and strangled the beast with the chain before finally cutting into the back of its neck. The beast went down with a sudden thud that rocked her whole body. The fight was difficult, but she finally came out in the end. With that, she slid off of him only to fall to her knees from low health. She leaned against the beast so she could get a drink of water really quickly in order to make it all the way to town.

(I shouldve put more detail into this :sweat:)

Last edited by Daeman35; 09-02-2011 at 02:02 PM..