Thread: Penn & Orrin
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nimh is offline
Old 09-08-2011, 02:57 AM

Penn walked around the house for about five seconds and decided she felt utterly ridiculous. Running back to her room Penn threw the ridiculous dress on the floor. Who invented those anyway, they look ridiculous and are just plain uncomfortable. Pulling on her dress shoes and jacket, Penn grabbed a tie from her closet and a nice hat. Feeling much better she returned downstairs. Penn enjoyed the odd looks she got from people for wearing a suit. Smiling big Penn walked past her family and gave them a silly wave. As she was walking away she heard some guests whisper about her. Spinning on her heel Penn addressed them, "No I'm not crazy, nor am i a homosexual. The simple fact is that I'm more comfortable in a suit than a dress and if you can't have the decency not to gossip about the daughter of your host here then please leave my house." Loving the looks on their faces and feeling wonderfully proud of herself Penn walked out into the hallway.