Thread: Nail Polish
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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 04:51 PM

From the way you talked I wondered if you were from the UK. It seems like it's mostly high school kids in Hot Topic anymore so I don't go in there often but sometimes I go in if I'm looking for something specific or just want to take a look.

I hardly ever spend money on myself, my fiance will testify to that, but since I moved last month I'm like a spendaholic! I bought a ton of books when I first got here and I've spent quite a bit of money on a trip to the mall not too long ago and some other things there in between. I have a job but it pays less than I'm used to so I've been pretty much spending most of my paycheck on groceries and stuff I don't need so my fiance and I both took vows not to spend any more money than necessary before the con. At least you seem to have good intentions on how to spend your money, I've been just wasting mine which is scary because that's not like me.