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Dominator is offline
Old 09-27-2011, 04:33 PM

"Back seat and keep your head down. Make sure you you don't get seen until I tell you it's fine." Terry opened the door of the car and sat behind the wheel, starting up the engine almost instantaneously. This was a good ride, reliable and comfortable, but mostly - it didn't draw too much attention. The man pulled a small briefcase from under his seat, opening it to reveal...something that looked like a brown package. Then there was a click and a small green light could be seen blinking on it before Terry threw it out the window and drove the car to the exit, counting in his head and looking at his watch. This one had to be played just right, otherwise cops were going to stop and check them...and then it was going to get really ugly. As he was just about to sucessfully leave through the front gate, he could see the police in front of him, he could even see their faces...but he was no longer that nervous. The cops had come a little too late. Typical.

A loud explosion made the faces ov everyone standing around the hotel to look in shock, as the parking entrance let out a cloud of smoke, dust and rubble. And now the long arm of the law was entirely concentrated on the bang, passing by Terry at high speed. There was nobody in the parking when they had left. Hopefully, nobody would get caught in the blast. The assassin made a left turn, towards the other end of the city, driving in silence for about half an hour before finally deciding they were safe for now.

"You can sit up now. Time to assess damage. How badly are you hurt?" he looked in the mirror, checking on Brooke with a still less-than-relaxed expression "Am I looking for a nurse or a surgeon? And, by the way, do you seriously not know why russian special ops would be so interested in you?" he paused for a second, speeding up a little "Well, you already said you didn't but still...nevermind, you can try answering that later. Where do you want to recover?"