Thread: Wolf RP
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Okamigirl is offline
Old 10-06-2011, 02:02 AM

(Sorry about not posting sooner, guys >:/.)
Tohrul bowed his head respectfully as Luna walked off, deciding he would rather like to avoid any confrontation with the alpha female, for he knew that at the moment, his puppy-like mind was unsettled and it was dangerous for him to talk to anyone who might aggravate him. Tohrul knew he was being unfair by becoming tense just because Luna had disciplined him, and rightly so. He was acting foolish, and he deserved some harsh words to get him out of the arrogant trance he had been in earlier.
Watching Luna disappear, he suddenly became aware of the presence of Snowflake. Pelt tingling with guilt, Tohrul dipped his head in a sign of acknowledgment to the youngster, before trotting off to the training grounds.