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p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 10-12-2011, 04:02 AM

Ancient Egypt - 3150 B.C.

The RP is pretty self explanitory. It takes place in Ancient Egypt, in Cairo, the photos above and below are of your home, day and night. There are pharaohs, commoners, raiders, warriors, slaves, Gods, etc... so there are a lot of character options. There is a temple in the center of small adobe type homes, a market place, etc. The Nile river does run through the city, and there are pyramids just outside the city walls, that are accessable.
You may also use/create Egyptian monsters and such to create some action in the story, but when you do they will be able to be controlled by anyone (unless otherwise specified) until vanquished.

Facts about Egyptians you should know before joining:
-They did not have last names. For most people they were called by their given birth name only or to avoid confusion, their birth name followed by "son of" or "daughter of" and then their father's name.
-Cats were very important animals in Ancient Egypt, they were both pets and symbols of cat gods such as Bast.
-The Nile river is home to many animals, such as crocodiles and hippos.
-Egyptians write in hieroglyphics to represent different objects, actions, sound or ideas. There were more than 700 hieroglyphs. Some pictures stood for whole words.
-They made mummies because they believed in life after death. They believed that they had to preserve their bodies so they could use them in the afterlife.
-The Pyramids were built as tombs for the Kings when they passed away, thus held the mummified remains as well as all of the Kings belongings, like his gold and jewels.

If you are confused by anything or have any questions, please feel free to PM me or post in the OOC!

Here are some character ideas.
Please review our characters that have already been established, I will not accept duplicates of a character. Once all of the characters from the list below have been crossed out, we will no longer be accepting those characters and will be full, unless you can PM me with a good character idea.

Raider/explorer (Male)
Scribe (Male)
Warrior (Female, Male)
Neko (Remember that Egyptians worship cats)
Farmer (Male)
Gods and Goddesses (Ra, Bast, Isis, Amun, Anubis, etc.)
Pharaoh (King and Queen)
Doctor (Male)
Pharaoh's Advisor
Priest (Male)
Skilled craftsman (Male)

>>Click Here for OOC<<

-Follow Menewsha rules and TOS first and foremost.
-To join, PM me the profile and wait for an approval to begin, DO NOT post profiles here.
-Romance and violence are encouraged, but keep it PG-13.
-You must be at least semi-literate for this thread and post in paragraphs (At least two paragraphs, 5 sentences each) with capitalization, punctuation, etc. No one is perfect, but this isn’t a text message. It's easy if you're describing what your character is seeing, smelling, feeling, etc.
-No God-modding.
-I don't expect you to post all day everyday as I will be gone from time to time as well, but please keep in mind that I will summon you if you've been gone too long.
-Please do not write any out of character text in the RP, if you feel you need to have a conversation or even just ask a simple question, take it to the OOC Thread linked above.
-When you PM me your profile, the subject title should be "Walk Like an Egyptian"
-If you can not follow ALL of my rules, you will be warned once. If you continue not to follow my rules, you will be removed.
-I reserve the right to remove you from the RP if I see fit and to revise the rules at any time I see fit.

**NO more females, we have a ton! Please be creative in finding your place among us!**

Profile Skeleton: Copy the text inside this box, fill in the information in the appropriate places and send me a personal message with the info. Wait for my response to begin the RP.
PHP Code:

CENTER][IMG]insert URL to your character's appearence. ANIME PICTURES ONLY NO DESCRIPTIONS[/IMG] 

I am a [color="INSERT POST COLOR HERE"] CHOOSE: Commoner, God, Slave, Neko, Warrior, Raider, Pharaoh, Craftsman, Doctor, Scribe, Priest, Farmer, other (be specific) [/color]. 

[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] People call me ____. [/size] 
[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I am ____ years old. [/size] 
[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I am male/female. [/size] 
[B][SIZE="3"]‡[/SIZE][/B][size=1] I can ____. (Erase this if your character does not have any special abilities.) [/size] 

[B][SIZE="4"]‡ My story;[/SIZE][/B][INDENT][size=1] 
Write everything you want us to know about your character here. Ideas: background, mission, scars, likes, hates, etc.  

--Character Profiles--
Kya Katsumi


I am the Pharaoh's Advisor and head of the military.

People call me Horus.
I am 29 years old.
I am male.

‡ My story;

Horus is the King's Advisor and most trusted friend. He is also the chief commander of all of Cairo's warriors. He is a dark and evil man, although the King doesn't seem to see it, as he acts very different in his presence. Horus plans to overthrow the King and steal Cairo from him and rule it for himself, turning almost everyone into slaves, as he believes they should be. He has no sense of humor, no compassion and seemingly no heart. He thinks he is better than everyone, including the King, and people fear him as he walks the streets, cowering and hiding as he passes. He has various scars over his body from years of battle. He is a strong, muscular and hardened beast of a man who you do not want to cross.

**Horus CAN be KILLED in this RP. If you think your character is up for the challenge, please PM me FIRST!**

Kya Katsumi


I am a Slave.

People call me slave or Cena.
I am 18 years old.
I am female.

‡ My story;

Cena was born into a life of slavery, she's never known anything else. When she was thirteen, Horus purchased her and branded her permanently as his own, leaving a large symbol for "slave" in the center of her upper back. He treats her poorly, but she doesn't realize it's wrong since she's never been treated any differently. Horus keeps her dressed fairly well since he takes her with him almost everwhere he goes. Cena is beautiful and quiet, knowing what happens if she talks to anyone but Horus.



I am a Neko.

People call me Zahur.
I am 20 years old.
I am male.
I can change form to that of a normal Abyssinian cat.

‡ My story;

I live in the palace, the pharaoh found me one day when I was just a kitten, half drowned on the banks of the Nile. I have no idea where I came from, no idea who my parents are. The priests insist I am a child of Bastet and a human, they are convinced that I am here to guide the pharaoh down glorious paths. I'm not so sure of these things myself.

I am pampered and very nearly worshiped in the palace. I often slip out of the palace to play with other cats and explore, I never go out in my human form. The pharaoh isn't ready to reveal my existence to his people yet. Sometimes when I go out, I follow Horus around, if I happen to see him. Something about him makes me want to keep my eyes on him.



I am a Goddess.

People call me Bast, Bastet.
I look 25 years old.
I am female.
I can control fire, able to heal/cure people of my choosing, can also take the shape of a Mau.

‡ My story;

I am the Goddess; Bast, Daughter of Ra. I am viewed as the Goddess of the household, health, fire, and protector of pregnant women and children. Many times I have been considered the protector of the Pharaohs, as my role from protecting Ra from his enemies, most notably Apep(Apophis), while he pulled the sun through the sky during the day, then protecting him at night as a cat so that he could resume his daily duties the next day. Often, I am seen as fickle, much like my feline companions, for I prefer not to stay in one place or with one person, and my mood may change quickly. I happen to love relaxing, and being surrounded by luxury, but sometimes the fawning can be tedious and annoying. I tend not to care what others say of me, I know who I am and I am proud of that fact. I also tend to not take things seriously, for things come and go, not everything is permanent, and even us immortals can be "killed", just as Osiris. Sometimes, though, I like to mingle with the mortals, blessing a few people here and there, maybe even a few tricks, as I am rather playful.


I am the Queen .

People call me Akila.
I am 20 years old.
I am female.
I have vague visions of the future.

‡ My story;

I am the wife of the Pharoh, mother of his heir, and usually the leading priestess in many celebrations to the goddesses as my husband leads for the gods. I have limited political power, though I leave many of the decisions up to my husband alone. I have a few slaves, who I treat well, and I own a few businesses, even if they are in my husbands name. He knows about this, and doesn't mind. I like music and embroidery, I detest fighting, wars, and famine. Sometimes though, and random times in the day, I am plagued by vague visions to the future and I try to use the clues that I am given to , hopefully, prevent a bad vision from coming true.



I am a slave (assistant) of a skilled craftsman.

People call me Aqer.
I am 20 years old.
I am male.
I have no special abilities, but I do get along well with snakes... maybe due to the Goddess Wadjet watching over me.

‡ My story;

Aqer may be young but he has enough talent to catch the eye of one of the most skilled craftsmen in all of Egpyt. Though to him, his Master/Teacher is the best of the best. Although cats are extremely prized and loved, Aqer doesn't feel the adoration towards them. It's not like hates them, he just adores snakes more. And because Aqer is young he doesn't think before he acts which gets him into alot of trouble. He has a small scar under his left eye, stretching over his nose bridge after getting mixed up with some thieves and getting caught.


I am a descendant of an ancient race of Baset offspring called the Mai.

People call me Ain.
I am 24 years old.
I am female.
I have slightly increased healing and resistance to poison.

‡ My story;
Sure I look like a typical cat, but I'm more then that. More then what you might call a Neko, I am a Mai. My race goes further back then those of Nekos. We Mai are guardians of Egyptian pharohs, we use our cat-like attributes to serve and advise humans. I don't know about anyone else but I personally despise the children of Anubis. Out of all the gods I'd keep my eye on Sekhmet, she seemed like she wants Bastets' title of lion-goddess, and turning her into just a cat-goddess, and a diminished role. I have no duties as I know of, I'm just waiting and observing.

It has come to my attention that Horus is abit shady. But I am to not confront him unless he threatens my charges and ruin the balance of status that the Gods put into place. There is a slave, I've taken particular interest in. I do believe her name is Cena, that poor child has no one but her master. She doesn't seem to know it, but her being well dressed isn't for her. It's merely just for Horus since he an image to uphold.
Lady Chello


I am the God of the Dead.

People call me Inpu Son of Osiris
I am over a 100 years old.
I am male.
I can weigh the heart of the dead on the judgment scales and preform the rituals with the book of the dead. It is I and I alone who can grant a soul into the underworld and I who protect it once it enters.

‡ My story;

There is not much to know of me. My story is known through out the cosmos. For most of my dear children in Egypt look to me in fear due to my half brother Horus's doing. I only have the best interest of my people in mind when I make my decisions. My brothers deceit is what shall be the ruin of our great people and pharaoh. I have spent my years cleaning up my brothers mess and trying to fix what he has broken. I keep many of the broken souls he has done wrong as guards and servants treating them with the up most respect something that none will find from my dear brother once they get to know him. I have found it hard to trust my brother and therefore my judgment for him is always swift and quick. To those who know me best they know I am rather kind and open. It takes much to anger me easily. I do not take my job lightly and will protect the souls of the dead by all means necessary. Do not think because I am far and will lessen that I am meek and weak. I promise you if that is your view you are already dead. My purpose is simple to protect the dead and to use the book of the dead as I see fit.

Lady Chello


I am the Pharaoh.

People call me Djedkare son of Ra.
I am 24 years old.
I am male.

‡ My story;

To my people I am a living god. I was raised to lead my people and to do what is best for my people. I love my beautiful wife and all in my house. I believe in making my sacrifices to the gods and being fair to my people. I have no special powers other than the responsibility and power that comes with my title. Though when your word is law what power do you need. I would not give up my crown for anything since that is the only way I can help change my peoples future. I may be young but I will not make the same mistakes for the kings before me. This is my chance to change the fate of my people and leave my mark on its history.



I am a Goddess.

People call me Isis.
I am as old as Osiris.
I am female.
I can use Ra's magic in addition to my own.

‡ My story;

I am the daughter of Ra and Nut. I am not like most Goddesses, as I spend time among the people. I teach and nuture them. They all revere me. My most tragic tale yet, is of my husband, Osiris, who was killed by our brother Set. I had brought him back to life, but still he did not return fully. We begot a son, named Horus, who was to be raised under my care and Osiris' so that when my husband returned we were together, Osiris also became King of the Underworld. I am still saddened by this, but with time have come to accept it. I wish nothing but peace, and health among the people. And I shall strive toward that.


I am a Warrior.

People call me Talim.
I am 18 years old.
I am female.
I can summon lightening at my will, but the origin of the skill is completely unknown.

‡ My story;

Talim was brought to Cairo as the the age of 8, found on a nearby trade route all alone and wrapped in a blanket. Her whereabouts previous to that time are unknown as she does not remember her life before being found by a merchant on said trade route. Once in Cairo, she was shunned by many for her lighter skin tone, hair color, and just all around oddities. Because of the physical and mental abuse she had to go through in her first year of living in Cairo, she convinced the two adults who looked over her to sign her up for a "Military Career" in the army -- basically, she became a warrior for life. Talim was trained specifically with long, broad knives and swords, a bow and arrow, and hand-to-hand combat. While she seems like a violent child-warrior, the girl was actually a loyal Egyptian, willing to fight to protect the King, Queen, and all the people of Cairo.

Tetishiri II

I am a Jeweler & Slaver.

People call me Tetishiri.
I am 22 years old.
I am female.
I sell the finest goods in all of Egypt, be it jewelry, perfume, or slaves.

‡ My story;

I am the only daughter of a middle class merchant. He himself sold fine jewelry, but was always importing it from foreign lands. As he gained wealth in his profession, I took up the trade of crafting it myself. Before long, my father was selling my jewelry in his stall, and it was selling better than the imports! He has become too old to run the stall now, so I have taken over.

Since my jewelry is always in high demand and of the finest quality, there are always people who wind up unable to pay the bill when I come to collect it. If I can't collect my money, I simply take it out of their backs. Sometimes, we arrange for me to take a child or relative, but more often than not, my customer becomes my merchandise.

As with all craftsman, I hail to Ptah, and I never miss an opportunity to show my respect to the protector of craftsmen. After all, without his divine blessing, I would be forced to make much less honest a living.



I am a God .

People call me Thoth.
I am as old as Egypt itself.
I am male.
I can practice all sorcery and magic arts. I am the keeper of all knowledge and my Book contains the answers to all questions, bringing untold power, magical prowess and endless ruin to any mortal that reads it.

‡ My story; My name means 'Truth' and 'Time'. I am neither good, nor evil, always impartial. I have given Isis the Words to resurrect Osiris. I have overseen great battles between order, ensuring nobody would ultimately prevail, for I am an agent of balance. My domain is knowledge, magic and science. I have been known to impart to mortals some of this knowledge, a trait not shared by most other gods. I am loved by few of them, but respected by all for my wisdom and neutrality. Some say I am the heart and tongue of Ra.

Lady Chello

Ur & Zet

We are Merchants/Craftsmen.

People call us sons of the Nile.
We are 23 years old.
We are males.
Both of us how our talents. I Ur am the crafty one. I can bring anything I draw to life with my simple touch. If my fast talking and charming looks don't get you my beautiful master pieces will! I Zet am the bronze of the pair. With my hands I can make anything I wish with metal. In my hands anything metal can be either a weapon or a work of beauty just make me mad and see what I come up with at the bat of your eye.

‡ Our story;

Shhh now, our story is not one for the world to know. The world isn't ready for the story of the demented twins. We where born to a rather wealthy family. We are well rehearsed in the manners and social graces of our time. If you let our charming faces and tempting ways get hold of you, you may lose your heart and everything else along with it. Our false mask we where of innocence is flawless. We are lovers of beautiful things and will have whatever we want. We do not ask the gods for who are they to tell us what we can and can not have. Don't worry we don't bite too hard though if you get in our way we will dispose of you. And we promise that your body will never be found. Who says everything dressed in fine clothing is nice and good for your health?


I am the Prince.

People call me Jahi.
I am 12 years old.
I am male.

‡ My story;

I am the prince, so life can be a little tedious when I really would rather play. I love my family, including Zahur, he's definitely part of the family, like an older brother. I tend to play with him a lot, but its a lot of fun when we sneak away from the palace and either play with other kids or sometimes we've watched the sky change. I've never seen a more wonderful sight. I think its something my father works so hard to protect his people for, to see amazing sights like those. I hate admitting it but I'm afraid of enclosed spaces and snakes. Mama says that Bast would protect me though.



I am the royal magician .

People call me Chisisi or Chisi.
I am 23 years old.
I am male.
I can create illusions, make potions, and cast spells.

‡ My story;

I am the royal magician. I worked hard to get where I am, though mostly through lies, well timed deaths, and maybe doing a few favors for other people. I grew up poor, a slave for a mother, but I was blessed by the gods to have magic. It has been useful in my effort to reach the palace. For it turns out, I am part of the royalty anyway. My absent father, he was the late pharoh, and the current is my half brother. I don't hold much affection for him, but he's not the terrible person I had envisioned, his wife is rather interesting, and his son is...well little Prince Jahi is endearing and its hard not to like the boy.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 10-23-2011 at 08:09 PM..