Thread: Wolf RP
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Squall Ravenhart
Squall Ravenhart is offline
Old 10-12-2011, 08:40 AM

Paddy was busily digging a hole in the snow.
Whisper watched her brother, her head cocked to one side.
"Paddy what are you doing?"
Paddy lifted his head shaking snow off his nose and looked at his sister.
"I'm gonna dig a gigantic hole" he said proudly, then continued his efforts.
Whisper wrinkled her nose at him. "Why?" she said eventually.
Paddy sat for a minute thinking, then thunped his short tail once. "Why not?"
Whisper sighed at her brother, then looked round.
She saw a white pup walking off into the forest. Jumping up in alarm she nipped her brother lightly.
"Paddy there's someone going into the forest!"
He looked at his sister with interest. "Really?"
"Yes! We should tell Luna!"
Paddy grinned and did an excited little jump.
"No lets go ourselves. Come on!"
He raced off not even looking to see if she followed.
Whisper growled quietly to herself. This was stupid, they should find Luna and tell her.
She looked around but there were only the other pups here.
Sighing to herself she ran after her brother. "Wait for me!"