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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 09:09 PM

How To Play

I will post a paragraph or a few about what you're doing.
[...] You approach the dragon's cave, your heart beating so hard that you feel confident Lars Ulrich has taken up residence in your chest. Your trembling fingers reach for the hilt of your sword. As you draw closer, you are able to make out the vague form of the dragon lying in the shadows. This is it...

What will you do?
At this point, you write in what you would like your character to do based on my story update, not the suggestions other users have since posted. Please keep it brief! It doesn't have to be serious, however; you should feel free to suggest something a bit silly if you like. All that is important is that your suggestion is only about a sentence long and that it makes it clear what you want to do. These are all examples of good suggestions:
Deciding against using brute force, I whip out my boombox and challenge the dragon to a dance-off.
I unsheath my sword and charge at the dragon, ready for combat.
I call in some reinforcements - I can't take down a dragon by myself!
In all of these suggestions, it's clear what you want to do, and you've given me enough information to write more on. It's perfectly fine for your suggestions to be silly or crazy, that's what makes it fun! Early on the in the game, your suggestions could totally shape the story. Later in the game, once a plot point has been established, I will steer things towards the main point, but if you say you want your character to go get some ice cream and that suggestion is picked at random, ice cream it is!

This is an example of a bad suggestion:
I enter the dragon's cave.
I consider this an incomplete suggestion because your plan isn't clear. What do you want to do when you get there? Your suggestion should make what you want to do clear. If I catch this before it's time for the next story update, I may ping you and ask you to flesh out your suggestion a bit, but I won't hold up the next update waiting on you. Incomplete suggestions may be skipped.

Another example of undesirable behavior would be to make two suggestions in a row. You may only make one suggestion per story update. If you make more than one, I will ignore one or both of your suggestions. If you continually break this rule, I may ask that you stop playing.

Once I've received enough suggestions and have a bit of free time, I'll count the number of suggestions I received and use the dice roll feature to generate a number. If I received five suggestions, my post would look a little like this (your number is based on the order the suggestions were received in).
Okay, it's dice rolling time!

Jellysundae is 1, Captain Howdy is 2, Ferra is 3, BellyButton is 4 and CK is 5.

The 5-sided dice lands on 5
(If you have questions about how the dice-rolling feature works, check this out)
Since the dice landed on 5, that would mean that I would take CK's suggestion. Now, it can take a bit for me to write the next story update, so after I've made a dice rolling post sit tight and don't make any more suggestions! After I've written everything up, I'll make a post that quotes CK's suggestion so you don't have to go back and find it, along with the story update. Then the whole process starts over!

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 11-02-2011 at 01:47 AM..