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Mr. Mayor
Mr. Mayor is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 11:43 PM

Daily Tasks

✤ First thing, create a journey diary for yourself in the subforum!
✤ Each day, check this post. Your writing prerequisites for each day will be added here.
✤ They won't be added at a set time, but it will always be in the morning for most people.
✤ Write your new day's installment in your journey diary, making sure you include all the story requirements for that day.

Day 1
Words:- Potato, mission, spring, spy, trap, sojourn, sanctuary, bamboozle, conflagration, hocus-pocus.

Phrases:-OMG, is that a llama!. I wonder what happened to her husband. What was that noise!? Oh well, I've got another one. Watch out!.

Tasks:- Climb a tree. Find something in the wild for your lunch. Ask directions from a local. Have an encounter with a small wild animal. Find some shelter for the night.

Day 2
Words: Custard, giraffe, elongated, sporadic, rose, feather, well, porous, beacon, arbitrary.

Phrases: It was here a moment ago, I know it was! WOAH! That was close! "Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find a pig, please?" Where did that hole come from! Hmm, I appear to have gone blind...

Tasks: Light a fire, help a small child, make a startling discovery, learn something new, have an allergic reaction.

Day 3
Words:Yarn, poisonous, waterfall, catacombs, balloon, snake, mushroom, thunder, pond, teeth.

Phrases: How did that get up there!? I wonder what will happen if I poke this. I'm so sorry! Get that thing away from me! Oh, well thank you very much!

Tasks: Be affected by the weather in some way, have a scare of some kind, find something small but precious, learn something about yourself, make a wish about something.

Day 4
Words: light, hollow, marauding, explosive, worm, hat, goat, hilltop, darkness, obstacle

Phrases: Everything went better than expected, challenge accepted, close enough, aww yeaa!, not bad.

Tasks: Repair something, improvise a means to travel across an unexpected stretch of water, discover a talent you never knew you had, make a firm resolve, injury yourself in a small way.

Day 5
Words: pie, wolf, dwarf, rainstorm, glass, coffee, swamp, mine, onion, moon

Phrases: Just a little bit more... Ow, that stings! No, that's not right. I hope this doesn't blow up! I'm feeling very sleepy.

Tasks: Hide from something, save yourself from a fall, find something long buried, lose something, have an epiphany.

Day 6
Words: egg, dung, turnip, farmer, wheel, crystal, door, hat, lion, coast

Phrases: What a strange village. Please don't do that. I hadn't thought of that. Damn, it's burned! That's the oddest thing I ever saw!

Tasks: Dig something out of the ground. Be forced to backtrack for some reason. Get mad about something. Break something. See something that makes you feel a strong emotion.

Day 7
Words: blue, turtle, coal, bread, gloves, piano, edifice, fever, beach, sausage

Phrases: Finally! I'm starving. Be careful with that. Yeah, sure... What do you take me for!?

Tasks: Talk to a townsperson, barter for some food, feed an animal, sing a song, arrange your journey home.

Last edited by Mr. Mayor; 11-08-2011 at 02:14 AM..