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Yumeh is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 05:40 AM

*Hears loud noise and looks up at Cessy*
“It was here a moment ago, I know it was”
*Watches Cessy with lazy look in eyes*
“Yumeh, have you seen my magic feather light? I am going on a quest and I want to make sure I’m all prepared. Grandpa Jeryck would be mad at me if I left without proper provisions.”
*Wanders over to feather on floor and sits down*
*Stares at Cessy*
Great work Yumeh, will you go with me on my quest?”
*Considers Cessy as she packs her stuffed giraffe into her backpack*
“Please Yumeh, I’m going on a pig hunt. I’m sure you will have a good time”
*Follows Cessy as she walks out the door*
*Watches Cessy walk up to Magnus*
“Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find a pig, please?"
Well, *smiles* have you tried the flatlands over by the coast Cessy or maybe the caves?”
*Accidentally gets cat hair on Magnus’s new suit*
*Makes a startling discovery of a “new” hole in suit*
“Yumeh *smiles* Where did that hole come from! I guess it’s time for a nice sporadic once over with my lint roller and a needle with my magic thread”
“Bye Magnus, good luck repairing your suit”
“*Smiles* Bye Cessy”
“Yumeh, is that a fox over there?”
Thinks to self –stupid foxes-
*Stares at fox*
*Sneezes* *Sneezes* *Sneezes*
“Yumeh are you allergic to foxes? Well we had better get going before you get worse. Come on Yumeh”
*Is annoyed at stupid fox with stupid elongated tail always twitching, twitching*
*Scrapes claws on rocks causing sparks to land on fox tail, catching it on fire*
“WOAH! That was close! Yumeh you nearly got your head snapped off. I hope you learned something new about foxes; they don’t like their tails being caught on fire! Must you get into mischief at every arbitrary moment?”
*Looks innocently at Cessy*
*Catches mouse for snack*
*Watches Cessy nom on custard*
“Okay Yumeh, let’s keep going, I had a nice snack”
*Nimbly dances over porous rocks on trail*
“There’s a cave Yumeh, I bet there’s a pig over there.”
Hmm, I appear to have gone blind from the darkness in here. Let me get my feather light out.”
*Stares at feather light, as it lights up the cave like a beacon for bugs*
*Chases bugs*
“Oh my Yumeh, it smells good in here. It kind of reminds me of the smell of a rose, let’s keep going and see if our pig appears”
*Hears a loud noise*
“What do you think is making that noise”
*Looks at Cessy with curiosity in eyes*
“Peeblo! What are you doing here? We were looking for a pig”
“You just missed him Cessy. But, I still have some tasty Bacon left if you’re hungry”