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Ottersaurus is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 12:09 AM

I'm dual enrolled at the local public school and also in an online program. I won't be able to graduate this year unless I complete all of the classes with the online program before January. Unfortunately, the online program continues to change their rules and make things harder for me to get it all done on time. They lied to me when I enrolled with them last year about what classes I would need to graduate through their program. They only just informed me about the other like 5-6 classes I "needed" at the beginning of this year. I technically don't need to take these classes, but they don't do graduation based on how many credits you have. It's actually really dumb. They're making me re-take PreAlgebra, World Geography, Earth Science, etc. They're all very lucky people that they're in a different state or I would be in their offices every day causing them problems for what they're putting me through.