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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:46 AM

Leon wasn't sure what had happened, but apparently at some point he had passed out. That was a bit odd, since he wasn't sick and he hadn't been drunk. Slowly he got to his feet, feeling slightly dizzy for only a few moments. His entire body felt rather odd, different. He licked his lips to moisten them and winced slightly as he pricked his tongue on his fangs. Leon blinked. Fangs? They were cheap plastic and not sharp. The taste of his own blood was sharp and rather gross, he wrinkled his nose a bit.

Leon blinked, slowly realizing that it was a dark forest, yet he could see just fine. His skin felt cold but he wasn't really cold, and his hearing seemed to have improved. He was hearing things that a normal human wouldn't pick up on. The same thing with scents. The scents of this place much sharper than they should have been. Slowly Leon reached up, lips parted slightly, to touch the fang he had pricked his tongue on. It was sharp and most definitely a tooth. Not fake plastic fangs.

Just what the hell was going on here? The feminine male staggered backwards a few steps, and fell onto his ass. Leaning his head back against the tree he had plopped down in front of. Maybe he was dreaming? He had gone to the party, dressed as a vampire, and now it seemed to him that he was a vampire. Or rather dreaming. It had to be a dream. "It must be a dream..." His voice was neither masculine or feminine, it was a nice in between, though he hadn't really been speaking to anyone in particular.