Thread: Salem Witch
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King Usbeorn
Only in time will you become a King like me...
King Usbeorn is offline
Old 11-12-2011, 06:17 PM

William slowly got up out of his old wooden bed. He peered out his window to the left and saw a few clouds in the sky. It about time my crops get some sunlight, he thought.

He stepped down on the wooden stairs leading to his family room. His home was nothing fancy, it was all wooden with only a few windows. In the family room he had a small fireplace and a few chairs around it on a hard rug. His kitchen didn't have much except some small cupboards of food and a small dining table. Nothing special, but it was quiet and peaceful, which is good enough to call home for William.

He walked out his front door, making several squeaks, and started walking to his stable.

On the way over he realized how beautiful this day was, nice weather with cool breezes, only if it could stay like this forever. He approached his small stable and opened the tall front wooden doors. Inside was a few tools and a few blocks of stay stacked up around the corner where he found his horse, who he names Junior, huddle against it.

He grabbed his saddle hanging on the wall and whistled to his horse. The horse, was magnificent. It was a draft horse and stood much higher then William. Junior had strong joint muscle, was all black with white fur from his knee down. Junior came forth and William rubbed him on his cheek.

"Morning old friend," said William

Last edited by King Usbeorn; 11-12-2011 at 06:20 PM..