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Aspinou is offline
Old 11-12-2011, 08:28 PM

Ohh gosh, I haven't watched cartoons for several years. And there's a lot of those you mention that I don't even recognise. The ones that was my favourites as a kid though was definitely Scooby Doo, Freakazoid, Tintin, Ducktales and a lot of disney cartoons. But my absolute favourite is of course Batman the Animated Series, only cartoon I've rewatched like million times (exaggeration xD).

And omg I just went to Youtube and wathced a few cartoon clips and I found a clip from "The Animals of Farthing Wood", I loved that show! In sweden it had this melodramatic poptune as end credit song. I still know the text to that one xD.
If you don't cry and scream noooooo when talking animals die dramatic and tragic deaths at the hand of man, then you are cold-hearted! xD

Last edited by Aspinou; 11-12-2011 at 08:41 PM..